In the South, Sea Level Rise Accelerates at Some of the Most Extreme Rates on Earth The surge is startling scientists, amplifying impacts such as hurricane storm surges and nuisance flooding and testing mitigation measures like the Resilient Florida program. By Amy Green
US Prisons and Jails Exposed to an Increasing Number of Hazardous Heat Days, Study Says By Sarah Hopkins
Billions of Gallons of Freshwater Are Dumped at Florida’s Coasts. Environmentalists Want That Water in the Everglades By Amy Green
Florida in 50 Years: Study Says Land Conservation Can Buffer Destructive Force of Climate Change By Bill Kearney, South Florida Sun Sentinel
EPA Faulted for Wasting Millions, Failing to Prevent Spread of Superfund Site Contamination By Katie Surma
Oil Drilling Has Endured in the Everglades for Decades. Now, the Miccosukee Tribe Has a Plan to Stop It By Amy Green
Q&A: What Do Meteorologists Predict for the 2024 Hurricane Season? Interview by Steve Curwood, Living on Earth
Florida Legislators Ban Local Heat Protections for Millions of Outdoor Workers By Amy Green, Victoria St. Martin
VA Medical Centers Vulnerable To Extreme Weather As Climate Warms By Anne Marshall-Chalmers, The War Horse
DeSantis Called for ‘Energy Dominance’ During White House Run. His Plan Still is Relevant to Floridians, Who Face Intensifying Climate Impacts By Amy Green